Thursday, February 26, 2009

Penn Planning

UPenn School of Design

Well, I left you on a good note (Legos!) and I return on another nice note. I found out a few days ago that I was accepted into the University of Pennsylvania's City Planning Department for the Fall of 2009! Yeah! Nothing quite like checking your inbox expecting another stupid Facebook event invite to learn that you have taken a new path in your life. I am ecstatic right now, really excited to get down to real work to make cities more fair, more diverse and more rad. Yeah!

I want to take the time to thank a few people who helped me get through the whole application torture. JH-B, AB and TA all took a look at my personal statement, gave me great criticism and grammar corrections and helped me write a damn fine essay, if I do say so myself. Each of those three, plus my girl MR, more importantly inspired me with their own grad school work and hard work getting in, inspiring me with their committments to make real change, see the world and get involved in the battle over ideas. Oh, and all three are brilliant, amazing women (confirming the Grateful Dead song, "Man Smart, Woman Smarter"), who if we're lucky, we just might get to check in here at Street Ballet.

Okay, we're back for good now. Expect regular posting and lots of angry missives about the suburbs, lack of transit funding, parking lots and whatever I can think of, plus lots of other good stuff. So focused, so focused.

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